September 25, 2019
Electronic music beat disco-polo in Poland! We analyze the results of the IFPI global music consumer survey in 2019

More Poles like to listen to electronic, dance and house music than disco-polo! For the first time in 11 years, since we got to know the musical preferences of Poles, there was such a breakthrough in research results. Other conclusions from the latest IFPI report are equally interesting.
Yesterday, September 24 this year The International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI), representing the global music industry, has published a report entitled Music Listening 2019, based on global research that was conducted this spring.
It contains an analysis of the behavior and preferences of music consumers aged 16-64 in 21 major music markets in the world, including Poland.
We ourselves took part in the first, on such a large scale, quantitative study of Poles' musical preferences in 2007 and 2008 (STX / TNS) and we finally see changes that are also taking place in our market > link to the old survey: HERE
The presentation of the results of the study begins with the musical preferences of the listeners, they will interest everyone:
● Favorite music genres in Poland:
# 01 | Pop (66.3%)
# 02 | Rock (59%)
# 03 | Dance / Electronic music / House (36,6%)
# 04 | Disco Polo (32.8%)
# 05 | Film music (27.9%)
# 06 | Hip-Hop / Rap / Trap (27.2%)
# 07 | Classical / Opera music (24.4%)
# 08 | Reggae (22.4%)
# 09 | Soul / Blues (19.2%)
# 10 | Metal (19%)
● Favorite music genres around the world:
They exhibited our invention by listing the strongest local genres in various parts of the world, such as latin pop, K-Pop, K-Trot, sung poetry or a French song.
Pop and rock still reign everywhere, in our country as well as globally.
We also pay attention to classical music, which in this study is extremely popular among Poles (24.4%). This result has hovered around 10% so far.
People aged 16-24 choose hip-hop or rap more than four times as their favorite genre. In South Africa (27%), Russia (23%), Poland (24%) and Germany (21%), they say hip-hop / rap is their favorite genre.
We would not dare to conclude from this (in addition - just one) study that disco-polo fans are declining. But clearly - and this is also confirmed by many other studies - other species are getting better in our digital era. Good and that.
If we were to have our comments on this part of the study (musical preferences of the recipients), then we cannot fail to notice the lack of jazz in the top ten in Poland.
The fact is that jazz, smooth jazz and chill-out (calculated together) according to our research 11 years ago (STX + TNS) had 10 percent of listeners together (which is great - 2.2 million people). Meanwhile, No. 10 on the list according to the IFPI survey, i.e. metal - has as much as 19 percent. So it's possible. We write about the research methodology below, it is solid, but we will soon try to find out how jazz was included in the study in Poland.
Important! What else is worth knowing about this part of the study? How to read them, which seems obvious to us, but for many it is not.
Participants of the study could choose many species that they like, which they are recipients. It does not add up to 100%. These are not pre-election polls. For example, hip-hop (supposedly no. 6 in Poland) is as much as 30% of the population! We remind you that 11 years ago 13% of Poles listened to this music, the increase is more than double.
From the point of view of understanding the recipient of music in the digital era, as well as in the context of knowledge of the contemporary music consumer in general - the most important part of the study concerned other issues.
According to the global IFPI music consumer survey 2019 (we provide data from the world and below - also Polish):
● We spend more and more time listening to music.
On average, respondents listen to music 18 hours a week. This is more than last year. This corresponds to 2.6 hours of listening to music per day or listening to 52 three-minute songs per day.
In Poland, we listen to music on average 21.8 hours a week (it's almost 4 hours longer than the world average!).
● Most respondents (54%) consider themselves "music lovers" or "music fanatics".
This percentage increases to 63% among 16-24 year olds.
In Poland it is 53% and 61% respectively.
● Older age groups are increasingly using audio streaming services.
These websites are popular all over the world, and 64% of all respondents used them last month - an increase of about 7% compared to 2018.
The highest involvement growth rate applies to people aged 35-64: 54% of this group used the audio streaming service last month (an increase of 8% compared to 2018).
In Poland, 52% of respondents have used audio streaming services in the last month, and in the 35-64 age group - 42%.
● Radio generally goes down in history.
With a few exceptions. It is still extremely well in Poland, among others. We will see for how long the youngest from the radio also leave our country.
● Using music in violation of the law remains a challenge to the musical ecosystem.
27% of respondents used illegal ways of listening to or acquiring music in the past month, and 23% used illegal ripping services - a leading form of musical piracy.
Among Polish respondents, these results are 36% and 29% respectively.
We invite you to familiarize yourself with the details of the IFPI study on the slides located in the photo gallery below this article.
Research methodology:
This global survey was carried out by IFPI and the AudienceNet studio in April and May 2019 on a demographically representative sample of Internet users in the 16-64 age group in the following countries:
Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Russia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom and the United States.
We present Polish results separately on the first infographic.
The study also covered markets in China and India, but the results of the study in these two countries were not included in the "global" data of the report.
However, we also present the results from these two big markets - on the last two infographics.
The surveyed territories accounted for 92.6% of revenues of the global music recording market in 2018.
In total, 34 thousand Internet users participated in the study with more users in larger markets.
Nationwide representative quota samples between 1 thous. and 3,000 respondents were determined according to the size of the internet population and demographic structure, according to the latest data from the census in each territory. As a result, the data achieved a standard error rate of +/- 3%, with a confidence level of 95%.
Author of the study: Stanisław Trzciński (STX Music Solutions)