When music fashions are changing at the same time the fundamental laws of the state are undergoing change (Plato)
In our everyday work we function in the commercial world. During this time are acquire experience and serve our clients as best as possible. Since 2007, we have been initiating and implementing studies of Polish music recipients, we are also analyzing other existing research carried out by scientists from around the world regarding the impact of music on consumers. We continue to learn and develop our competences.
However, we have been involved in supporting and building the music market for years. In particular, since 2015 we have been actively supporting Polish and European creators and artists in the most complex topics related to them. Here are examples of such activities:
We are also passionate. We try to lead a multifaceted activity for the culture and arts, especially music. On the one side we initiate culture projects and organise artistic events. But on the other side we support the environment of creators and performing artists. We however want to develop the social, charitable and educational activities. The improvement of the current level of teaching of music in Poland is a fundamental duty of all people who are working with music. It’s important to the good development of our country, not only for the elevation of the level of local artistic work. We support projects and people and we create our own programmes and initiatives. We also set ourselves the goal of good lobbying. We want to increase awareness in the general public and decision makers of how important is the role of culture, of which music is the most popular and most atavistic phenomeno. The negligence of this area results in real losses today and the loss of the national social capital which we have been acquiring over millennia, without exaggeration.
As a consequence of the lack of good and popular music education, we are facing lower levels of the music repertoire being created and a weakening interest and the understanding of ambitious music among Poles. The lack of promotion of worthwhile local musical talent is also a problem. In Poland as well and in the international stage. It’s time to change it and treat the role of music in social life of our country differently. The catastrophic level of music education in Poles is no longer only the problem of artistic circles and creators, or even the Ministry of Culture. It’s the problem affecting us all.
Poland has played an important part on the culture map of Europe for centuries. Musically, we were and are part of the world culture. Knowing the potential of Polish creators we however feel a certain lack of satisfaction. For us, people closely tied to music and music market it’s not an acceptable fact that in the Polish education system music is a neglected and marginalised piece of the young Poles’ education. Treated like and orphan, the music classes in state schools create a rift between the development of children in private schools and kindergarten. The state educational organisations provide insufficient musical development. The music lessons, so few, are progressed without due strategy or preparation. Without any reflection of the changing perception of young people.

We want to continue what is the most valuable in the Polish tradition of music making, to return to the roots. To help the greatest talent.
This process is now starting amongst the youngest. For this, a long term strategy is needed, and greater engagement of the third sector. What is interesting, we will gain from this much more as a society. Music making in the family, music education in kindergarten and school, amateur playing by youngsters, and surrounding oneself with valuable sounds – all this develops every person. They give a great advantage necessary in life, regardless if they tie their fate to music. Musical education influences the condition and IQ of entire groups, aggregations and in the end, nations. Today, thanks to the precise and modern research we are aware of it’s influence on brain functioning. All the more music education of Poles becoming a pressing problem.
We would like that in 10 or 20 years Poland would even out the awareness level, and changing reality, in the music education field with other developed European nations.
With the ones more conscious and wisely managing their potential. Since 1989 we’ve made a great leap towards popularisation and ease of access to culture in our country. There are also many magnificent non-governmental organisations operating here, supporting creativity and creation in Poland. Cinemas, theatres, museums – they are all in gradually better condition.
And many symphony halls and concert halls designated to music reception on the highest level in smaller cities are empty. Supported by local governments low level free entertainment events are no support at all. World standards e.g. in the United States seem to be unattainable – 90% of children learn music at school there. The UK as well, Germany and France are very strong and for centuries conscious of their worth nations, building their cultural power. But the musical level of development of such states as the BeNeLux countries, Scandinavian countries, Balkan countries, Greece or well known for their music Spain or even Portugal, Italy and Austria – they are our role model to follow and inspiration to work. The real potential to be achieved in several decade. Good examples can also be found in many Asiatic states and in the South America.
Poland has the ambition to grow and the only thing missing at the beginning of this road is the consciousness, knowledge and data. Key to this positive change is the combination of efforts – including the world of culture and politics, and the world of classical music and popular music. There is a need for strategic, consistent, and most importantly – defined action towards this goal.
Finally we present you with the code used by all associates of the STX Music:Solutions™ agency. Our philosophy of working with clients is contained within the below set of rules. We don’t only follow them, they are also close to our hearts. We believe that using those rules serves our customers the best and serves us to be satisfied with our work.
We love what we do
The client is always right
Even we don’t love something and the client is wrong – see points 1 & 2
We insist on a precise brief and knowledge of what is it our customer needs
We share our experience and knowledge with our clients. We encourage our clients to use the available knowledge and scientific research from all over the world. Including Poland.
We are patient, and grateful for what we can deliver
We respect our clients and learn their way of working
We act fast, but always with precision
As passionate and music loving people, we don’t forget at the same time about self-education, learning the new things, gaining knowledge and training our skills
There are no projects we can’t deliver. We will undertake small and one off work
We value and save our client’s time
We always try to diligently deliver every order, the small and the long term or difficult and complex ones as a turnkey solution. Without unnecessary strain on the time and resources of our clients
Even though we are often socialising with the stars, we always remember that our clients are our stars, or their markets, products or services. Never we.
We are discreet and loyal. We concentrate on the best delivery of tasks entrusted to us.
We prepare extensive reports which are intended to help and enrich our client and not simply model the work gateways completed.
We aim that always after a finished projects our client has a sense of money well spent and comfortable cooperation with our agency.
We invite you to work with us!