The Stanisław Trzciński STX Music:Solutions™ is a new quality in brand marketing communication through music.
In today’s world of marketing consumer activation elements combine the worlds of marketing communication and music, bringing image benefits to the brand.
As experts and practitioners, since 2004, we’ve been serving the customers of STX Music:Solutions™ at the joining point between the business, marketing and modern communication worlds with the world of music and business.
Integrating music into marketing strategies, we harness its power to connect brands with fans - creating exciting campaigns that leave a lasting legacy and deliver unforgettable experiences to fans.
We work with the best brands and make them even cooler by partnering with an exciting world of amazing music. Through our contacts in the music industry, we can call on everyone from the hottest bands to the next big thing - most complex challenges.
STX Music:Solutions™ provides music for commercials, places and events.
Linkedln profile > https://www.linkedin.com/company/stx-music-solutions
Through our front line media partners, we have strong, direct connections with real music fans. We know what they want and how to give it to them.
Within the frames of our work we are partners and advisers. Together with the clients we create long-term strategies. But we also perform selected elements such as event, concert & music festival organisation, music sponsoring, artist booking, background music selection for buildings, public space and other places (audiomarketing) as well as selection of music for television commercials & implementation of music marketing campaigns. We also provide music product for the digital platforms.
We also provide strategic, creative and media support services for festivals, with access to the very best emerging artists, content creation skills and amplification channels. Over the past decade we have built a reputation for music discovery and long-term artist support and, more recently, for our role in the education of the youngest generation of students interested in the music market.
Many people responsible for brand management can efficiently use music related marketing tools such as event sponsoring and music products in conjunction with other PR actions, star selection and music selection for events, designing music for retail spaces (restaurants, shops, retails centres, hotels, service points) or as part of more and more important online platforms.
Efficient managers, marketing directors and advertising world representatives know perfectly that the correct choice of music in advertising videos influences their efficiency greatly. The music can be chosen in such a way that it reaches the desired target group directly.
At the same time the possibilities of using music in the process of creating a strong brand are much wider.

The brand when understood as a name, a mark, a term, a symbol, a drawing or a combination of these elements that possesses a group of loyal customers who extend its life in the market, by which it becomes stronger, acquires higher value. We help to develop this process, strengthening the brand by calling and linking emotions caused by music that is best suited to a selected group of recipients.
The research on human brain shows us a precious to the marketing - mechanism of emotion transfer on the audience of music which accompanies it.
Music plays a very important role in the life of a contemporary person. Today, after a decade full of change it becomes important again due mainly to the dynamic growth of the digital part, which accounts for 45% of all incomes in the phonography business in 2015 [IFPI information from 2016].
Using music in the process of brand management requires a perfectly working team and the choice of the fitting, long-term strategy.
STX Music:Solutions™ agency had participated in the production of multiple marketing projects utilising music.
They were usually authorial projects requiring large financial investments. In those cases a problem raised by Ph. Kotler and G. Armstrong arises: The measurement of advert efficiency and return of investment in advertising became an important topic for the majority of firms, especially during economic difficulties. Two independent studies had shown that the efficacy of advertising has fallen by 40% in the last decade and that 37.3% of budgets are wasted. This causes the management of many companies to ask their marketing managers ‘How do we know we are spending on the right advertisement?’ and ‘What is the return on our investments in advertising?’ Ph. Kotler and G. Armstrong also point out that the efficacy of advertising is influenced by so many factors, that many of them cannot be controlled and so the measurement of results of advertising expenses remains imprecise. They underline that too great a quantity of data causes poor data filtering.
It seems reasonable to analyse more thoroughly and revaluate projects and models which had brought satisfactory effects in the long term. The projects realised to date by STX Music:Solutions™ can be inspiration for management bodies of businesses who are planning to use such tools.

Photo by Karpati & Zarewicz