October 30, 2017
STX Music:Solutions™ at the European Music Fair Co Jest Grane 2017

STX Music: Solutions ™ invites you to two panels during the 7th edition of the European Music Fair Co Jest Grane2017.
We invite you to two interesting panels, hosted by Stanisław Trzcinski (STX Music Solutions) during the 7th edition of the European Music Fair Co Jest Grane 2017:
1. European Music Fair "Opening panel" Protecting the rights of creators as the foundation of music development in Poland (Saturday, November 11 at 12 am, Goethe Hall, PKiN in Warsaw, free admission).
A hundred years of copyright in the protection of musical works in Poland from the perspective of authors. Does the law keep pace with new methods of disseminating culture? What are the benefits of collective management for creators, artists, recipients of culture and creative industries?
HOST: Stanisław Trzcinski (STX Music Solutions), GUEST: Krzesimir Dębski (musician), Monika Borzym (musician), Mietek Jurecki (musician), Michał Komar (vice president of ZAiKS), Rafał Kownacki (deputy director general of ZAiKS), Agnieszka Parzuchowska-Janczarska (STOART Director), Michał Urbaniak (musician, composer and arranger, member of STOART).
2. Panel Brand Marketing and Music Promotion (Saturday, November 11 at 1:30 pm, Sala Sienkiewicza 1, PKiN in Warsaw, free admission).
Artists are increasingly collaborating with brands, and festivals have titular sponsors. How to promote music under a big brand? How can we make the best use of our brands? What does this give each party? The secrets of modern advertising campaigns and marketing and music relations.
HOST: Stanisław Trzcinski (STX Music Solutions), GUESTS: Dirk Edingloh (Deutsche Telekom AG), Joanna Rawska (Kayax), Arkadiusz Stolarski (LIVE Agency).
Since the first edition we cooperate with Agora S.A. - organizer of the fair, taking part in this event.
We also recommend other interesting workshops and panels > more
Traditionally there will be many concerts of excellent artists. Learn more about all the attractions at the fair > more
The European Music Fair Co Jest Grane 2017 will be held from 10th to 12th November.