May 13, 2020
Polish artists generate more GDP than mining! Stanisław Trzciński about saving Polish culture in the age of pandemic [publications in Onet, TVN24 Magazine,, SWPS University, Press Magazine, #hot16challange2]

#hot16challange2 about the situation of artists and creators in the era of pandemics on May 27, 2020 in radiospacja

We invite everyone interested to listen to and watch a 10-minute conversation of Małgorzata Ohme with Stanisław Trzciński - a cultural expert and president of STX Music Solutions about Polish culture in the age of pandemics as part of the #zostajewdomuzOnet program (main page) May 13, 2020.
Polish culture is in a state of greatest danger since 1989. The creative industry is 3.5 percent of our GDP, over 300,000 people working in this industry (including 60,000 artists and artists) and over PLN 5 billion in exports annually. Everything stopped overnight in early March. Artists (series, music, books - just art) help us in this difficult time, but they do not find understanding, either in society or in government.
Most European countries save this sector with significant amounts, even at 60-150 billion euros. We are happy to receive PLN 80 million for Culture in the network. It is difficult not to interpret such a passivity of the Ministry of Culture in a different way than the reluctance of the rulers to usually more liberal environments related to culture in Poland. Polish artists are aware of this, which is why they would only like to treat them like the rest of society.
A light in the tunnel could be to help native artists by introducing a fee put into the freezer, which has been sought for years by all Polish culture. A fee that will not be charged to the state budget or the Poles themselves. It is a fee for blank media, professionally called reprographic. Deputy Prime Minister Gliński admitted that it is possible already in the coming weeks.
Stanisław Trzciński: I was invited to Onet in connection with the article Postpandemic delayed bomb, which I wrote a week earlier to TVN24 Weekly Magazine.
Link to the article by Stanisław Trzciński in TVN24 Magazine (May 9, 2020) >,269,4716
Here is its beginning:
"What is the main time you spend when you are sitting at home now? Do you read books, watch TV series, listen to music? Sure. And more than usual. Meanwhile, you must know that Polish culture and its creators are in a state of greatest danger due to a pandemic since 1989. Almost everyone working in the industry lost their livelihoods overnight. In this group of tens of thousands of families, only a fraction are big stars. One of the solutions that would significantly help people of culture is the taxation of smartphones and tablets they have long awaited."
In addition, on May 24, 2020, I published another article on the portal Technological giants will pay Polish artists the money owed to them [FACTS, ANALYSIS] about helping Polish creative industries.
The fee on the sale of smartphones and other modern devices may support Polish artists, artists and scientists who are blocked due to a pandemic in the coming months.
If cultural environments expect direct government support, both at the level of artists and creators themselves (scholarships for everyone) and creative industries (Shield) - they must work together.
As for the government's ideas regarding the charge on blank carriers for smart devices, there is no question that we will pay Poles or that a new tax will be created. Equipment prices will not go up and digital giants will not go down.
And Polish culture will be able to breathe a bit after this very difficult and devastating period of pandemic. The period in which she does not receive proper support from the Polish government.
And if someone is not enough, and is interested, he can still listen to a longer analysis. SWPS University, invited me to the webinar Coronavirus and the Creative Industry (under the direction of Prof. Dorota Ilczuk), which took place on May 8, 2020.
During the one-hour on-line panel, as PhD students of the Center for Creative Economy Research, we told Emilia Cholewicka about good practices and ways of help, analyzing where we are now and what are the biggest threats (and also opportunities) for Polish culture today. And what will happen after the pandemic.
We talked about creators and artists as well as about other related professions and companies operating in broadly understood cultural sectors.
1. Video:
2. Audio (after additional sound mastering):
SOUNDCLOUD >…/koronawirus-a-przemysl-kreatywny-d…
APPLE >…/koronawirus-prze…/id1460686479…
LECTON >…/ec609d34-4351-4efd-80aa-b7bdc26071d…
About 250 registered participants listened to us. We also answered questions. This formula for longer conversations gave a better chance to explain many problems in detail.Jan Gargul spoke with the members of the team of the Center for Creative Economy Research at the SWPS University - dancer Emilia Cholewicka and culture manager Stanisław Trzciński (agency STX Music:Solutions™).
During the coronavirus pandemic, we can't go to the concert and the musicians play for us. We can't go to the theater and the actors perform in front of their audience.
Many artists are going through a difficult time today, because they are deprived of their income, especially those who are not associated with any public cultural institution.
What is the real situation today for artists, artistic institutions and creative industries? How does the state support public and private cultural activities during the epidemic? What actions should you take to survive or come out to the audience with an offer adapted to the current situation? What world of culture will we find when the pandemic ends?
Emilka Cholewicka
Dancer, graduate of the General Ballet School, cultural studies scholarship holder of the Minister of Science and Higher Education. She is a PhD student at the Center for Creative Economy Research at the SWPS University.
Stanislaw Trzcinski
Cultural expert, creator and culture manager, concert promoter, producer, consultant, expert and music journalist, a specialist in the fields of music branding, sound design and music marketing. Record publisher, screenwriter, motivational speaker and author of speeches (power speech, lecturer, host of discussion panels), creator and organizer of many artistic events. Co-creates the music market in new Poland since 1992.
Founder, owner and president of the management board of STX Music: Solutions ™, from March 2004 to July 2017 operating as a record company STX Records; since 1997, the owner of the BA Booking Agency artistic impresario; founder and co-owner of the STX Jamboree event agency (since 2005). Long-time artistic and repertoire director of Universal Music Polska (1995-2000), he also managed Mercury Polska publishing house during the PolyGram Polska period.
He is a PhD student at the Center for Creative Economy Research at the SWPS University.I invite you to listen to our conversation and share it with anyone interested.
Quote from the article Blank media, dirty game in Press Magazine of July 1, 2020:
- Communities related to culture, mass events, concerts and events, remained at the end of the chain. Not really anyone cares about them, they stopped functioning at the beginning of March and are unfreezed last - Stanislaw Trzcinski, culture expert, music journalist and president of STX Music Solutions believes.
Trzciński points out that the creative sector needs real help, and PFR support for entrepreneurs depends on the number of employees. - The vast majority of entities operating in the concert, event and culture sphere practically do not employ full-time jobs and the industry is excluded from this support - he emphasizes.
In his opinion, journalists "did not fully report reliably about the disproportion in the treatment of the creative sectors in the epidemic regime compared to sports and political events."
- And that was and still is just not fair. The world of culture will naturally feel the effects of the coronavirus pandemic for many more months or even years. There is no reason for the screw to be additionally tightened by officials - emphasizes Trzciński.
May 25 I was suddenly deceived and nominated for #hot16challenge2. I can't rap, but I like good music and I wind up every week on our radio station That is why my #payed # hot16challenge2 was the first to be met on May 27 by listeners of the "Pinacolada 2.0" broadcast. I devoted it to the situation of artists and creators in the age of pandemics. The collection for medics is available at:
We all feel that thanks to the fruits of the work of creators and artists, it is easier for us during social quarantine. We see a flood of free online concerts and we know who started the action # hot16challenge2 - this is happening from the bottom up and to encourage our hearts, as well as an unconditional reflex of solidarity with those in need.
Meanwhile, due to the coronavirus, everything that concerns the daily functioning of Polish culture has ceased to exist. This is the state of greatest danger for her after 1989. The time after the pandemic will be even more dangerous for her. And yet Polish culture gives creativity, which is so important for the national economy in crisis.
As part of #wanted # hot16challenge2, I talked about who our creators and artists are and what can help the creative sector in this difficult time.
I invite you to listen and watch.
