December 21, 2018
STX Music Solutions, Kayah, Woś / Soyka and Golec uOrkiestra for PodarujWigilię.pl - SILENT NIGHT ... at Christmas concerts of Polish stars 2018

This year - instead of a Christmas card - we got involved in an important social campaign. We collaborated on the creation of this advertising movie: "CICHA NOC ... at the Christmas concerts of Polish stars 2018".
The STX Music Solutions agency was responsible for the selection and acquisition of several great Polish musicians for this Christmas Eve social campaign.
The film and the campaign are part of the larger, this year's project of the Small Poor Brothers Association. The concept of a social campaign was developed by the renowned advertising agency BBDO Warsaw.
Special thanks to Kayah, Stanisław Soyka / Joanna Woś, GOLEC UORKIESTRA.
And also Theater 6th floor, Studio Theater, ROMA Musical Theater, Papaya Films, BBDO Warsaw, Kayax, TELEVISOR, Efektura.
Dear, we wish you all happy and family holidays. Well - family. Not everyone is so lucky ...
What is it about this action and who is it dedicated to? There are people for whom "Silent Night" on Christmas Eve sounds completely different. It is composed of the moving sounds of loneliness: the noise of the TV on, the repetitive ticking of the clock or the muffled whining of Christmas tableware. Pledges for one person.
We can change it. This year, "little brothers of the poor" want to invite 320 people to celebrate together. They need your help!
We go in here and help - we have 3 more days for it -
In the attached video, we see an interesting social action, when the artists stopped their Christmas concerts for 30 seconds to show "a quiet night", and then they invited to help in the PodarujWigilię.pl campaign.
Also, check out the main spot of this year's campaign "little brothers of the poor" CICH NIGHT, which was created thanks to cooperation with BBDO Warsaw.
The idea of small brothers of the Poor was established in 1939, finding its realization seven years later, after the war. The association "les petits frères des Pauvres" was founded in 1946 by Armand Marquiset (1900-1981). At that time, young people were ready to help the poorest. Just after the end of World War II, the poorest people were elderly - lonely, abandoned, with no chance of help. That is why the Association decided to help this very needy part of society.
In order to meet the then needs, the first volunteers took care of serving the meals and coal to the elderly and poor. However, according to the Association, "giving love can only give something more than what is most needed".
Therefore, the "petits frères des Pauvres" (small brothers of the poor) pay the greatest attention to the relationship built by accompanying the elderly and skilfully listening to them - that is the motto of the Association, which is: flowers before bread.
This philosophy accompanies the Association "les petits frères des Pauvres" / small brothers from the beginning of its activity and is the basis for its development.
In time, the Association also undertook a mission to alert the public and public institutions in matters concerning the elderly (it has its representation in the Age Platform); also deals with housing issues of older people and intergenerational relations. In France, it also accompanies dying people and elderly homeless people.
The "les petits frères des Pauvres" association exists all over the world and operates actively in 10 countries.
The Polish Association of Little Poor Brothers was established on December 1, 2002.
However, its beginnings go back many years, when young people from Poland went to "les petits frères des Pauvres" in France to help French volunteers, among other things, with other volunteers. during holiday stays in holiday homes "les petits frères des Pauvres" throughout France.
After a few years, the idea of creating a similar organization in the country arose from the experience of Polish volunteers abroad. At the turn of November and December 2002, a seminar entitled "Let's break the loneliness of those who live in it" was held. It was attended by the aforementioned holiday volunteers of "les petits frères des Pauvres" from all over Poland, representatives of "les petits frères des Pauvres" from France, the International Federation "les petits frères des Pauvres", as well as people dealing with elderly people in institutions every day. .
The crowning achievement of the seminar was the constitution of the Polish Association of Little Poor Brothers.
More information about the social campaign and the creation of videos - you can read HERE > link
Copyright © 2018 Little Poor Brothers