July 02, 2018
Wednesday in Sopot - 4.07 at midnight in Mewa will play Kędzierski | Trzciński | Gieleniewska (unofficial open'er after party)

We invite you this week to the club Mewa Towarzyska in Sopot for an event during the night from Wednesday to Thursday "4.07 at midnight in Mewa - Kędzior & friends x non official open'er after party".
You've been waiting all year, but as every year - it will be worth it! ♥
Piotr "Kędzior" Kędzierski together with the team of Jameson invited to play and dance exceptional players: Stanisław Trzciński (STX Music Solutions) and Paulina Gieleniewska (In Sound We Trust). For the first time they will perform together on one stage, or there ... at dj desk.
Starring: Kędzior x Trzcinski x Gielniewska.
We are not afraid of dancing, we are cultured. We drink a lot, but in moderation. We have a lukewarm temperature and only good intentions. CELEBRUJMY.
An event on Facebook> HERE.
List of FB free admission to 23:00 - after 10/20 PLN.